Friday, November 4, 2011

I Don't Know Why Do I Think?

I Don't Know Why Do I Think?
I Don't Know Why Do I Think ?

I think of d Words my Nani used to say ,
I remember d Chor-Police we used to play...

I think of d Curiosity to Learn Everything ,
I remember d  yellow packets of Natkhat my Nanu used to bring ...

I think of d Stories I used to Hear ,
I remember d Frocks I used to wear ....

I think of d Verandha where I Grew up ,
I remember Gurdware ka Halwa that made me to Cheer-up....

I think of d Stupid Excuses to not to Go to School ,
I remember d Dear Friends who called me a Fool...

I think of d Pao-Bhaji we all Friends Relished ,
I remember my School Shoes were never Polished....

I think of Friend's Birthday in d Class ,
I remember Obeying him that Day as like he was d Boss....

I think  sometyms that y do I think ... ???
Nothing remains Same it Changes wid a Blink......