Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Useless World Is What I See

Useless world is what I see
There is nothing more for me to Glee;

World is giving me a blank call
M standing Alone in a Disastrous Hall;

Nobody's there to get me through it
Hall is becoming Dark and a Big Pit;

What is d use of helping those Rescinds
Who can not even ask me if I m Tense;

I was told when u Grow up,everything would Change
But I didn't knew,Thorns r Scattered for me to Arrange;

I lost all Hope, I lost my Smile
Happiness stays,but,Stays for a While;

The Moment i try to enjoy that 'while'
 The things turn around and World goes in An Exile;

I m Counting my Nerves,m holding my Breath
As World is Useless,now I m Waiting for my Death..........